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In The Lightning Thief, Annabeth's plan was for Percy to distract Clarisse and her cabin while she went to the flag, but she let Luke grab the flag.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

to put Percy at the boarder, knowing clarisse will go after him, so luke can have a clear shot to get the flag

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Q: What was Annabeth's plan to capture the flag?
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What was Annabeths's plan to win the flag?

It was to get all the Ares' kids to crowd around Percy and beat him up, while she and Luke took the flag.

What was annabeths plan to win the flag?

It was to get all the Ares' kids to crowd around Percy and beat him up, while she and Luke took the flag.

What was Annabeth's capture the flag plan to win the flag-Percy Jackson?

Annabeth's plan was to distract the opposing team by making them think the flag was in one location, while secretly hiding it in another spot that was less expected. She used strategy and misdirection to outsmart the other campers and lead her team to victory.

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Loki's Minions Capture the Flag was created on 1998-11-12.

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Hermes cabin won capture the flag in the lighting thief. They were on Athena's team.

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If you win capture the flag in percy jackson then you get 1 month rest and no training.

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You have to capture 50 flags to get the platnium flag.

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How do you do missions in combat arms?

If your talking about what it says on the page where it shows your kills and stuff, you capture the flag or recover the flag, its only used in capture the flag mode (i think). But apart from that there aren't any missions.

Is Capture The Flag Awesome?

It depends what kind of person you are.