It would be a very good Pokemon to use against certain types of Pokemon if u raise it to be strong
Whirlipede evolves into Scolipede at level 30.
It evolves into a whirlipede at level lvl. 18 and whirlipede evolves in a scolipede at lvl. 30
Whirlepede evolves into Scollipede at Lv. 30.
Venipede is only obtainable in Pokemon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2. But it evolves at level 22 into Whirlpede and level 30 into Scolipede.
Megahorn isn't a TM. You'll need to level up certain Pokemon to get the move. Such as; Nidoking, Rapidash, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Goldeen, Seaking, Heracross, Rhyperior, Samurott, Scolipede, Sawsbuck, and Bouffalant.
Scolipede is a Poison and Bug type pokemon.
Scolipede is #545 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Poison type Pokemon.
The last move Scolipede learns is double-edge, which it learns at level 55.
Get a Venipede (Pinwheel Forest, Lostlorn Forest) , Evolve into Whirlipede at level 22 then evolve it to a Scolipede at level 30.
He doesn't evolve.
Dewott, Scolipede, and 47295.
you cant find him you train him
It evolves into Scolipede at level 30.
Whirlipede evolves into Scolipede at level 30.
Whilipede evolves at level 30 into Scolipede
When Whirlipede gets to Lv. 30, it should evolve into Scolipede.