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In this episode Data commands the USS Sutherland.

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Q: What ship was commanded by DATA in the episode Redemption II?
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Is durge going to be in a the clone wars episode?

sorry but no he dies in a ship by anikan in a comic

Which episode is it when Aang talks to Avatar Rokku about Rokku's friend ship with the past fire lord in the spirit world?

Book 2 and the episode is called Firelord.

What ship did Admiral Akbar command in Star Wars?

Admiral Akbar commanded the ship HOME ONE during the attack on the death star in star wars return of the Jedi. the ship is a Mon calamari designed MC80 star cruiser and was one of the Admiral's flagships know for being the most advanced ship in the Mon calamiri and the rebels fleet. the ship was part of the Mon calamari race line of warships.

What was Henry Morgans nick name?

The first ship he commanded was named the "Oxford" when he was a privateer. When he became solely a pirate he captured the "Cour Valant", a French vessel that would be renamed the "Satisfaction". It served as his flagship for the majority of his career. Quick note: pirates' generally took and commanded many vessels during their careers as they were needed, many commanded small fleets. It is the flagships that are remembered as the vessel of record.

What does uss enterprise mean in the military?

In Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek pitch, the starship is described as a "United Space Ship."Also, in the original pilot "The Cage," the enterprise is refered to as the "United Space Ship Enterprise." Captain Kirk also refers to the ship as such in the episode "Elaan of Troyius," as does Dr. McCoy in the episode "Space Seed." Both are episodes of Star Trek (TOS).