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Q: What rock made Superman so weak?
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Was Superman made by Marvel Comics?

Captain Marvel is better then Super man because superman is weak to magic and captain marvel's powers are magic. So captain marvel can school Superman any day!

Was Superman Really Super?

Superman was/is a fictional character in a comic book so he was super because he was made up.

How is Pluto a dwarf planet?

Because it was so small. And it was made of rock and ice not like other planets. And because it is too small it has weak gravity and because of the weak gravity it can't clear the objects in it's neighborhood.

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Togekiss is an flying type so it is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric. Due to the Flying it is not longer weaker to fighting.

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I'd have to say Superman, I mean he might be a fictional character, but he has been around longer and has made more money gross and net than Eminem. So Money wise, and length wise, Superman wins hands down.

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they were made of bronze erlier but they were weak so then they were iron

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Entei is a fire type, so it is weak to ground, water, and rock type moves.

Is cement made out of rock?

Most cements are made from a mixture of pulverized limestone and clay, so technically it is made out of rock.

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Dragonite is a Dragon- and Flying-Type, so it is weak against Rock-Types and Dragon-Types, and exceptionally weak against Ice-Types.

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Caterpie is a bug Pokemon, so it's weak to Fire, Flying, and Rock type attacks.

Was Superman in the 60s?

Superman debuted in 1938, so Yes he was around in the 1960s.

What made the greek god Apollo so weak?

Apollo was not weak, indeed he was in ancient Greece one of the most influential gods.