The Dusk Stone will work on Pokemon such as Misdreavus which will cause it to evolve into Mismagius and Murkrow which will cause it to evolve into Honchkrow.="h2headingh2"style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"name="the_pokemon_that_the_dusk_stone_works_0n_r_misdreavus_turns_into_mismagius_oooooorrrrrrr_murkrow_into_honchkrow">
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hi tis is vkmax i will tell you who uses the dusk stone in pokemon white and black.
litwick evolves into lampent at level 41
then lampent evolves into chandelure with the dusk stone. this is a personal favourite pokemon of mine and i think you should get as it has massive special attack. you should teach moves like shadow ball to it.
you should also get darmanitan if you ever play this game again. it is my favourite fire type and general pokemon in unova is a complete tank.
please rate
this is my third answer.
CAtch a girl snowrunt And use a dawn stone
Use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia.
The kirlia has to be a boy. Use a dawn stone on kirlia and it will evolve into gallade. You can find a dawn stone in mt. coronet from orebrough to hearthome. (surf has to be obtained.) Go down from the entrance of orebrough then go up on the bottom stairs. Use surf, a dawn stone should be there. Good luck with my info!
Black: Cottonee. White: Petilil
In Pokemon Flora Sky, the Dawn Stone can be obtained by winning the Bug Catching Contest in the Johto region. The Bug Catching Contest takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays in the National Park. You can participate in the Bug Catching Contest by talking to the contest judge at the entrance of the National Park. Be sure to catch the highest scoring bug Pokemon to win the Dawn Stone as a prize.
You can use the dawn stone on a male kirlia to get a gallade or use a dawn stone on a female snorunt to get a froslass.
Dawn stones aren't available in Pokemon Emerald. Use Mystery Gift.
you cant evolve froslass but you can use a dawn stone on snorunt You need to use a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt to evolve it. The Dawn Stone won't work with a male Snorunt.
Male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade if Dawn stone is exposed to it & the sam way a female Snorunt evolves into Froslass if Dawn stone is exposed to it.
use a dawn stone on a female snorunt
frosslass to get it get female snorunt and use dawn stone
you cant, w8 for the new patch in Pokemon deluge
CAtch a girl snowrunt And use a dawn stone
You must use a dawn stone on a female snowrunt.
a male kirliaa female snorunt.
You have to use a Dawn stone
Use a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt