I'm sure you mean 'Hitmonchan' and to answer your question is an impossibility. Hitmonlee does NOT evolve into a Hitmonchan. They're two differently categorized Pokemon that just happen to be placed right next to each other in number, but they have no connection for evolution.
He doesn't evolve,you have to evolve tyrogue
Tyrogue will evolve at level 20. To get a Hitmonlee, make sure its attack is higher than its defense.
Boost its attack by giving it protein then level it up until it evolves.
Tyrogue will evolve beginning at Level 20 however it can evolve into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop depending on its levels, in the event of Tyrogue's Defense being higher than Attack then Tyrogue will evolve into Hitmonchan, in the event of his Attack being higher than Defense then it will evolve into Hitmonlee and in the event of both Attack and Defense stats being of equal value then it will evolve into Hitmontop.
tyrogue evolves at lvl. 20. if atck and defnce r same- hitmontop. atck higher- hitmonchan atck lower- hitmonlee
He doesn't evolve,you have to evolve tyrogue
i don't think there is a thing call a hitmonchamp i know there is a hitmonlee a hitmonchane and a hitmontop but not sure of a hitmonchamp but in firered when you beat the dojo you a choice for a hitmonlee or hitmonchane in leafgreen you will have a choice of hitmonleee and hitmontop You can get hitmonchamp in Pokemon ranger, the first one I think, you go to summerland? and then into the jungle and to the right. This location maybe wrong, but I am sure you can get hitmonchamp in this game.
Hitmonlee doesn't evolve...
you evolve it on level 20 into hitmonlee or hitmonchan
Tyrogue will evolve at level 20. To get a Hitmonlee, make sure its attack is higher than its defense.
well, they don't technicly evolve to a certain Pokemon at a certain level. you have to have a higher defense than attack for hitmonlee, higher attack than defense for hitmonchan and both the same for hitmonlee. use protines and irons. they evolve at level 20, so depending on what you want, you should have it by level 20.
no hitmonlee does not evolve
Sorry, no your Hitmonlee isn't going to evolve.
I'm sorry, your Hitmonlee isn't going to evolve. It evolves from Tyrogue, and Tyrogue evolves into two things other than (not before) Hitmonlee, so an egg might be helpful. I hope this helps a little.
You need to have Tyrogue's Attack higher than its defense and level it up to level 21.
Boost its attack by giving it protein then level it up until it evolves.
Hitmonlee cannot evolve any further, nor does it have a Mega Evolution form.