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Manectric can't learn thunder fang in sapphire because that move doesn't exist in the game only in diamond, pearl, platinum and any other game after those you can teach manectric thunder fang.

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Q: What level does Manectric learn Thunder fang in Pokemon Sapphire?
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When does manectric learn thunder in emerald?

Manectric learns Thunder at Level 61.

What Pokemon can learn thunder without a TM in sapphire?

Electrike/Manetric learns Thunder at level 36. Plusle/Minun learn Thunder at level 37. Then there's always Pokemon from the previous generations that can learn it as well. Like Ampharos, Pikachu, Elekid, etc.

When does manectric learn thunderbolt in Pokemon?

It will learn "Thunder" (with an attack of 120 and accuracy rate of 70), a far better move than "Thunderbolt", at level 61. But it does not learn "Thunderbolt". You can, though, give it a "Thunderbolt" TM =)

What moves does manectric learn by itself?

In generation III Manectric learns: Level 31: Roar Level 39: Bite Level 45: Thunder Level 53: Charge

What pokemon can learn thunder fang?

Luxray can learn thunder fang.

What level does manectric learn thunderbolt?

Manectric can learn TM24- Thunderbolt.

What moves do the manetricks learn in Pokemon?

The moves Manectric can use are Howl, Leer, Tackle, Thunderwave, Fire Fang, Electric Terrain, Spark, Quick Attack, Odor Sleuth, Roar, Thunder Fang, Bite, Charge, Discharge, Thunder and Wild Charge.

Pokemon Sapphire who can learn flash?

The following Pokemon that you can easily get to learn Flash in Sapphire: Beautifly or Dustox Lotad or Lombre Oddish Gloom

What level does houndoom learn thunder fang?

Houndoom cannot learn thunder fang by leveling up. He can only learn thunder fang is when you breed a Houndoom and a pokemon that can learn thunder fang example ( Luxray )

Does zapados learn thunder in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Zapdos will learn Thunder on it's on sometime around level 60.

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Does castform learn thunder?

Castform does not learn Thunder as it levels up. Thunder is a TM that you can teach it. (In Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, or Saphire, you can get Thunder in the Lilycove Department Store.)