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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Salman khan belongs to a family of writers. His father was a very famous writer. His mother was home maker.
Gandhi studied law in England, then he moved to South Africa to practice it. He was a lawyer basically.
Laurie Horowitz is an author of the book The Family Fortune. Details of Laurie's family and background are scarce, so it is unclear whether or not she has any brothers.
When he was a kid, his family was rich.
Gandhi believed everyone was his family, therefore, everyone was in his family.
Living family members of mahatma Gandhi's family?
A paper on the Boston University website claims that Gandhi was brought up as a Hindu as that was the religion that his mother and other family members practiced.
No. Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi were not family. Also, there's a famous political Nehru-Gandhi family in India, but they are not related to Mahatma Gandhi either.
That was his family name. But not in any way related to Mahatma Gandhi.
Yes Gandhi is a common Indian name.
Indira Gandhi was working for piles of wood.
Kasturba Gandhi Harilal Manilal Ramdas Devdas
Rajiv gandhi
Sanjay gandhi