My favorite Pokemon are Cranidos and Shieldon. Also my least favorite Pokemon is Slaking. This has to be a joke. Slaking is my absolute favorite... Well; besides Golduck, Primeape, and Reshiram.
Niall Horan's favorite Pokemon is Roggenrola
it depends on what is your favorite element fire, water, andgrass
Yes indeed, i went to college for a Pokemon degree and i know much about this category. Any questions ask Nicky ------
The easiest way would be to RNG abuse, but this is in the wrong category.
he favorite subject and category is englsih
"Favorite category" refers to a specific topic or type of item that an individual or group prefers above others. It could be related to interests, hobbies, or preferences for products or services.
it is the category you have been most active in.
Shadowfox and Sepharos supervises LeafGreen and FireRedBub3trom, Wayoffline81, GhostKirby122, and Bulbachu is the Pokemon Category Supervisers.
what if we don't have a favorite rock Pokemon but mine is rampardos
My favorite Pokemon are Cranidos and Shieldon. Also my least favorite Pokemon is Slaking. This has to be a joke. Slaking is my absolute favorite... Well; besides Golduck, Primeape, and Reshiram.
The Cherubi would be my favorite Pokemon and the one that is colored orange.
all pokemon
Niall Horan's favorite Pokemon is Roggenrola
You feed your pokemon pokeblocks until it won't eat anymore. You get a scarf from the chairman in the fan club and you check the category of your pokemon moves to see if it matches the category of the contest you are about to enter.
IT IS my favorite pokemon.