Calum Hood was born on January 25th, 1996.
Stefanie Scott is age 15. Born on December 6, 1996
Currently, the age is 13 until October 2, 2010 and then the age would be 14.
Greg Morris died on August 27, 1996 at the age of 62.
Eddie Harris was born on October 20, 1934.
If you have had your birthday anniversary this year then age = Current Year - 1996. If not, then age = Current Year - 1996 - 1.
Queens of the Stone Age was born in 1996, in Palm Desert, California, USA.
depending on your birthdate , if you were born in the year of 1996 and lived up to 2056 you most likely be 60 years of age . 2056 - 1996 is equal to 60 therefore you would be 60 years of age
the age i am in right now is 13
she was born in 1996, So now, in 2012 she is 16
Calum Hood was born on January 25th, 1996.
You would be 3 years old
You would be 15 years old
As of 2010, the age would be 14 years old. (2010 minus 1996 = 14).
Stefanie Scott is age 15. Born on December 6, 1996
He was born on May 3, 1996 (so on his birthday in 2012 he was 16)