April 3, 1983 (1983-04-03) (age 27)
Stan Rogers died on June 2, 1983 at the age of 33.
Raised Heart Lever (aka. Jiggy Drama) was born on June 2nd 1983. He is 28 years of age.
Washed Out was born in 1983.
Manaka was born in 1983.
If you were born in 1983, you will turn 31 in 2014. A person born in 1983 would hit the big 3-0 in 2013
he was born february 1, 1983.
Depends witch month you born in 30 or 29
In 2016, a person born in 1983 should be 33 years old after their birthday.
he was born february 1, 1983.
28..... Born 15 march 1983
If you were born on April 14, 1983, your age today is 26.
He's currently 26. He was born on August 18, 1983.
Calculated from 2010, your age is 27 years.
On their birthday in 2010 they will be 27.
If you were born in 1983, you will be 50 in the year 2033- by 2099 you would be 116, but very few people live to be that age.
Cheryl cole is 25. born on the 30th June 1983