A vagabond is a traveller. It is a homeless person whom travels around, doing odd jobs when they can to make money.
Sometimes they street preform, or busk.
The cast of The Vagabond Queen - 1929 includes: Glen Byam Shaw as Jimmie Charles Dormer as Prince Adolphe Dino Galvani as Ilmar Ralph Leslie Harry Terry as Winkleburg Ernest Thesiger as Lidoff
The cast of Dove - 1996 includes: Alessandro Bianchi as Clerk Andrea Bruschi as Vagabond
The cast of Spejderen - 1912 includes: Gudrun Houlberg as Young Lady Stella Lind as Young Girl Einar Rosenbaum as Vagabond
The cast of Kissing Paul Newman - 2001 includes: Vincenzo Crivello as The Vagabond Palma Valentina Di Nunno as Patrizia
The cast of A Corner in Crooks - 1913 includes: Joseph Baker Fred Burns Mary Charleson as The Nurse Robert Thornby as Sandy - a Wandering Vagabond
You would say, "I am a vagabond," You are a vagabond," "They are vagabonds," "Look at that vagabond," etc. It would be used as a describing word.
The duration of Lumpaci the Vagabond is 1.5 hours.
Vagabond Tales was created in 2003.
A Temporary Vagabond was created in 1920.
The duration of The Vagabond Lover is 1.08 hours.
The Vagabond Lover was created on 1929-12-01.
Tales from the Floating Vagabond happened in 1991.
Vagabond Ways was created on 1999-04-14.
Vagabond Skies was created on 2008-06-10.
I'm a Vagabond was created on 2010-02-15.
Vagabond Bones was created on 2009-11-17.
Vagabond Loafers was created on 1949-10-06.