The Lucien Piccard Trademark is a capitol L and P, and right below is Lucien Piccard in Cursive,,,,,,,,Hope this Helps,,,But
Make sure the watch has a swiss movement inside, rather than a Japanese!!!!
Or your watch is FAKE!!!......
trade mark
Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl
The cast of The Blacklist - 1916 includes: Charles Clary as Warren Harcourt William Elmer as King Ernest Joy as Mark Norton Lucien Littlefield as Frederick Holtz Blanche Sweet as Vera Maroff Jane Wolfe as Mary
check to see if the word Pokemon has the mark on top of the e if there isn't a mark then it's fake.
The symbol used by Voldemort and his Death Eaters is called the Dark Mark (it is presented by the spell, Morsmordre). Every Death Eater has it branded on the left arm (inner) and will touch it to summon Voldemort (like in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows). The sign is generally cast over a dwelling where Death Eaters have entered and have probably killed everyone inside.
No, that symbol indicates a registered trade mark.
brand mark-symbol or pictorial design that distinguishes product trademaek-brand for which the owner claims exclusive legal protection
It is a trade mark registration symbol so no one can copy it in the country it was registered
The symbol for a question mark is simply called a "question mark."
TM means, 'Trademark' meaning that the word or words preceding it are protected brand names.
The symbol of the Gospel of Mark is the winged lion. This symbol is derived from Mark's description of John the Baptist's voice "crying out in the wilderness," likening it to the roaring of a lion.
End mark is a synonym for punctuation mark
hold down the ALT button on your keyboard and press 0153 on the number pad on the keyboard NOT the numbers above your letters on your keyboard AG
1989; 20-250 usd
how old is trade mark stevens shotgun
It should be in the symbol list on your computer.
St. Mark's symbol is a winged lion. This symbol represents courage, strength, and the divine authority of St. Mark as depicted in Christian tradition. The winged lion is often associated with the Gospel of Mark and is a common motif in Christian art and architecture.