"Supersnake" by Harry Miller is a novel that follows the story of a genetically modified snake that grows to an enormous size and possesses extraordinary abilities. The snake, named Titan, escapes from a laboratory and wreaks havoc on the city, causing chaos and destruction. As Titan continues to grow and evolve, the protagonist, a scientist named Dr. Jenkins, must find a way to stop the supersnake before it becomes unstoppable. The novel explores themes of genetic engineering, ethics, and the consequences of playing with nature.
"Supersnake" by Harry Miller is a thrilling adventure about a genetically enhanced snake wreaking havoc on a small town. The story follows a group of unlikely heroes as they band together to stop the supersnake before it devours everything in its path. With plenty of action, suspense, and unexpected twists, this book is a wild ride from start to finish.
Harry Herbert Miller died on 1968-03-12.
Harry Augustus Miller has written: 'Creative writing of verse' -- subject(s): Poetry, Versification
Answers.com has summaries of the Harry Potter books. Other good websites are MuggleNet and the Harry Potter Wikia.
If this is a homework, it would be best if you read it yourself, and write your own summary. However, you can probably find summaries on Wikipedia, and on special Harry Potter fan sites.If this is a homework, it would be best if you read it yourself, and write your own summary. However, you can probably find summaries on Wikipedia, and on special Harry Potter fan sites.If this is a homework, it would be best if you read it yourself, and write your own summary. However, you can probably find summaries on Wikipedia, and on special Harry Potter fan sites.If this is a homework, it would be best if you read it yourself, and write your own summary. However, you can probably find summaries on Wikipedia, and on special Harry Potter fan sites.
This website has one. See related questions.
Harry Miller - footballer - was born in 1985.
Harry Miller - writer - was born in 1923.
Harry S. Miller was born in 1867.
Harry M. Miller was born on January 6, 1934.
Harry M. Miller was born on January 6, 1934.
Harry Herbert Miller was born on 1879-05-04.
Harry Miller Blickhahn has written: 'Uncle George of Kilauea'
Harry Herbert Miller died on 1968-03-12.
Harry M. Miller has written: 'My story' -- subject(s): Biography, Businesspeople, Entrepreneurship 'Harry M Miller' -- subject(s): Biography, Impresarios, Businessmen, Entrepreneurship
Harry M. Miller is 77 years old (birthdate: January 6, 1934).
Harry G. Miller has written: 'The adult educator' -- subject(s): Adult education