You need to find an apricot and take it to the guy who can make pokeballs and you will get the apricot pokeball which will help you to catch celebi
Rock smash is on route 36 in Heart Gold. Talk to the ugly fat guy standing by the black apricot tree.
you have to give him each colour like green on Monday pink on Tuesday like that and he will give you the golden ball
Any Pokeball works. A master ball would be the best though. Just take a look at the special abilities of the pokeballs you have (unless it is a normal pokeball) and then choose which one would be a good one to use. . backward sentence
In Azalea Town, right by the exit/entrance of the Ilex Forest.
Nope has to be the special event Celebi in HeartGold and SoulSilver
premier ball at night or pokeball in the morning and in the afternoon masterball
No apricot is used. The GS Ball was distributed through Nintendo Event and is no longer available.
with a pokeball ;)
with a pokeball
You can't.
You cannot get a GS Ball from an Apricorn.
The name is Kurt and you only find him in Heartgold and Soulsilver.
Yes, it will be obtainable on march 14, 2010 when the game comes out in America in English.
at mt. mortar have an empty space in your party and a spare pokeball and battle the karate king
thetre is NT a purple apricorn and if there was i bet he would make it into a pretty sweet pokeball
you can use to balls to catch him ultra ball and and a dusk all but it takes time to do and paralyies him to
they are on the ground in random areas of the world, either in a pokeball or just on the ground. use and item finder