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Q: What is the rarest Digimon card?
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When did Digimon Digital Card Battle happen?

Digimon Digital Card Battle happened in 1999.

When was Digimon Digital Card Battle created?

Digimon Digital Card Battle was created on 1999-12-22.

What are the card codes from card pack?

P247JJMMXP is the rarest

What is the rarest Pokemon card in 2008?

The rarest Pokemon card of 2008 is a card named POKEMON ILLUSTRATER. This card is worth $5,000 easy.

What is the rarest card jitsu power card?

It is the sensei power card.

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Is doom card the rarest card?

yes i think so

What is the most rarest pokmon card?

The most rarest Pokemon card is original set kahangaskhan. Worth more then $1000 a piece.

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the rockhopper one

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