Since George Bush is no longer president, he has no official government number. There is no longer a public number for people to call.
WikiAnswers does not provide personal information such as phone numbers or personal addresses of any individual.
Wikianswers does not provide personal information, such as phone numbers.
WikiAnswers does not give out personal home or cell phone numbers.
Chris Jerchico will not release his personal phone number.
Jai Brooks does not give out his personal phone number to the fans.
The phone number of the Lincoln Train Museum is: 717-334-5678.
Don't Worry About It
WikiAnswers does not give out people's personal information. A phone number is personal information.
Nash Grier does not give out his personal phone number to the general public.
here phone number is personal
Personal Phone NumberWikiAnswers does not give out personal information such as telephone numbers of celebrities.
Teala Dun personal phone number is not available to the public.
WikiAnswers doesn't give out personal information
WikiAnswers does not provide personal phone numbers.
WikiAnswers does not provide personal phone numbers.
Wikianswers does not reveal personal information
Pit Bulls personal phone number is private and not public.