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The is no pre-evolution of onixOnix is a stage 1 pokemon

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Onix does not have a pre-evolution. It does, however, have an evolution, Steelix, which it evolves into by being traded while holding a Metal Coat.

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How do you get the preevolved form growlithe in emerald?

As far I know, there is no preevolved form of Growlithe. I think you must be mistaking it with Arcanine because Growlithe is the Arcanine's preevoled form and Growlithe only evolves if it is exposed to the Fire Stone.

What is the evolved form of onix?


What is the final form of Onix in Pokemon?

Onix's final evolution is Steelix, the Steel/Ground-type Pokemon. It can evolve only by trading Onix to another player, while holding a Metal Coat, or Steelix can be found in certain areas in the right game version.

What does onix evole from?

onix evole from gedude

Where do you get onix in Pokemon indigo?

Onix is in Pewter City where Brock is.

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As far I know, there is no preevolved form of Growlithe. I think you must be mistaking it with Arcanine because Growlithe is the Arcanine's preevoled form and Growlithe only evolves if it is exposed to the Fire Stone.

How do you get the preevolved form growlithe in Pokemon emerald?

Growlithe does not have a pre-evolved form but to evolve it into an Arcanine, use a fire stone.

What is the evolved form of onix?


What is the Pokemon that hatches out of the egg?

I believe its the female Pokemon's preevolved form if your breeding something with ditto it will be the other Pokemon not ditto.

How do you evolve a onix but without a mirror coat?

You can catch Steelix (Onix's evolution form) on Iron Island and in Victory Road.

Can steelix evolve?

No, Steelix is the evolved and final form of Onix

What is the pre- evolved form of onix?

Onix does not have a pre-evolution. It does, however, have an evolution - Steelix, which you can evolve it into by trading it while holding a Metal Coat.

What level does steelics evolve at?

steelex does not evolve for it is a final evolve form of onix

What Pokemon evolves into onix?

Onix does not have a pre-evolution form currently as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and has not been announced for the Pokemon Sun and Moon games.

PokΓ©mon egg hatch?

After a certain amount of steps a Pokemon egg will hatch what will be inside will usually be the preevolved form of a Pokemon. For example if you were breeding raichu and ditto you will receive pichu from the egg.

What is the final form of Onix in Pokemon?

Onix's final evolution is Steelix, the Steel/Ground-type Pokemon. It can evolve only by trading Onix to another player, while holding a Metal Coat, or Steelix can be found in certain areas in the right game version.