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Very heavy stuff. There are two in the song. in the first verse he is called Parson Brown. ( a clergyman). in verse two he is an unnamed (Circus Clown) also called Mr. Snowman.- till the other kiddies knock him down! what was the conclusion- We"ll finally _ _ the Soviet way, oops. so- there are two snowmen in the song- PARSON BROWN and Mr. Snowman- The Circus Clown.

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13y ago
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16y ago

In verse one he is indentified as Parson Brown ( a clergyman) in verse two- he is described as a Circus Clown.

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13y ago

There's a very famous song about a snowman called Frosty, Frosty the Snowman.

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7y ago

Olaf is the snowman's name.

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13y ago

It is Fregley

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14y ago

Sam the snowman.

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Frosty the Snowman

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Frosty the snowman

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Parson Brown

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Q: What is the name of the snowman on Rudolph the red nose reindeer?
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The abominable snowman in Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer was called "the Bumble."

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He was the narrator.

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The monster is "The Abominable Snowman."The actual name of the Abominable Snowman is Bumble.

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It was Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

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I believe that Rudolph's parents are killed by the Abominable Snowman but somehow it's O.K. as he becomes freinds with that little reindeer.

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer's nose was red because he was born that way. It was just something unique about him.

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Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

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