The flank is the entire area of the cutie mark. Do you mean what is the name of the Cutie Mark Crusaders? They are Sweetiebelle (The younger sister of Rarity), Applebloom (Applejack's younger sister), and Scootaloo (who is not portrayed as having a family but befriends Rainbow Dash in early season 3)
The cutie marks in My Little Pony are the images on the ponies' flanks. In The Friendship is Magic series, the cutie mark representsa pony's special talent. A pony starts out with a blank flank, the cutie mark appearing when that pony discoveres his or her talent.
Her name is Diamond Rose in My little Pony Friendship is Magic.
In MLP:FIM Scootaloo does not yet have her cutie mark, nor is it known where she will get it. In earlier versions of MLP it is not revealed how or when any pony gets a cutie mark.
In My Little Pony, a ponies get their cutie marks by discovering the special talent for which they are destined.
In 'The Cutie Pox', Apple Bloom gets a cutie mark. However then she gets a second, then more, and it is revealed that it was an affliction caused when she stole and ate a 'Heart's Desire'. As of episode the end of season 3, Apple Bloom has not yet received her true cutie mark.
"Inkwell" .
Apple Bloom does not have a cutie mark yet. What her cutie mark will be remains to be seen.
Derpy Hooves' cutie mark consists of a cluster of bubbles.
In My Little Pony, a ponies get their cutie marks by discovering the special talent for which they are destined.
She has not had a chance to focus on or discover her natural talent. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are going about trying to find their cutie marks all wrong. A pony's special talent should be something for which they have a natural affinity. The CMC are randomly trying activities that have little or nothing to do with their interests.
They are butterflies, which represent her gentle nature and love for all creatures big and small.
Pina Colada
We do not know. There will be a focus on cutie marks, but that does not guarantee the CMC getting their cutie marks. The episode's synopsis refers to Apple Bloom's anxiety over getting her cutie mark, but this does not necessarily mean she will get it, since such anxiety has been explored in previous episodes. The episode may simply teach a lesson about patience or not worrying about the future.
Yes. Her parents are seen in a flashback "The Cutie Mark Chronicles"
In the current version of My Little Pony, cutie mark is a simple image that appears on a pony's flank. The image in some way symbolizes that pony's special talent and usually appears when she or she discovers that talent as a school-age foal.
Carla Cutie
cutie pie is a boy of course because if he was a girl he would have a girl name