Theresa Baskauskas's birth name is Theresa Carey.
Jessica mauboys mother is called Theresa Mauboy
Emily Osment's Mom's name is Theresa Osment still works at Fremont Elementary School
Puerto Rican salsa dancer and bandleader, Tito Rojas, is also known by the name El Gallo Salsero. El Gallo Salsero means 'The Salsa Rooster' in Spanish.
theresa rose
Bill Gallo's birth name is William Victor Gallo.
Adrien Le Gallo's birth name is Adrien Arthur Le Gallo.
Anjanette Astoria's birth name is Anjanette Ingram.
Theresa Macquoid's birth name is Theresa Isa Dent.
Lillian Gallo's birth name is Lillian Drazek.
Theresa Baskauskas's birth name is Theresa Carey.
Theresa Caggiano's birth name is Theresa Ann Caggiano.
Theresa Alexandria's birth name is Theresa Ava Alexandria.
Theresa Machado's birth name is Theresa Aurora Machado.
Theresa Underberg's birth name is Kira-Theresa Underberg.
Theresa Galeani's birth name is Theresa Lynn Galeani.
Theresa Randle's birth name is Theresa Ellen Randle.