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Q: What is the importance of slack time?
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Distingui sh between total slack and free slack?

Free slack: The free slack of an activity is the time this activity can be delayed without impact on the following activity. Total slack: The total slack of an activity is the time this activity can be delayed without impact on the finish date of the project.

What is the Least Slack Time scheduling algorithm used for?

The Least Slack Time scheduling algorithm is used for assigning priority based on the slack time (temporal difference between the deadline, ready time and run time) of a process.

What is the importance of slack time critical activies and critical path?

According to Malhortra/Krajewski/Ritzman, In their book "Operations Management", The maximum length of time that a task can be delayed without procrastinating the whole project is called activity slack. Activity on a critical path has Zero slack. Information on slack is useful because it summit activities that call for close attention. In this respect, activity slack is the amount of timetable slippage that can be accepted for an activity before the entire project will be delayed. Slack at an activity is lessened when the assessed time duration of an activity is surpassed or when the planned start time for an activity must be put off because of resource considerations (1). 1- Malhortra Krajewski Ritzman, "Operations Management" , 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ

What is slack simulation?

Slack means different things, depending on context. For this question, I assume that slack is the time that somebody is waiting for somebody else to do something. Slack simulation, then, is a simulation where you evaluate different efficiencies and/or worker/consumer ratios, in an attempt to minimize or optimize slack, i.e. wasted, time.

What is the differences between critical path and slack time?

The critical path is the longest path through a project, indicating the shortest possible time needed to complete the project. Slack time is the amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the project completion. Tasks on the critical path have zero slack time, while non-critical tasks have slack time.

What is the importance of credit rating agencies in capital market?

I have no clue im just 10 cut me some slack

What is project slack?

Slack or Float is the amount of time an activity can get delayed without delaying the overall end date of a project

Do's and don't's of time management?

do work and dont slack

Define Late Start Time Early Start Time and Early Finish Time?

What is slack time in project management

What are some slang terms for wasting time?

slack off laze around

What do you mean by organizational slack?

organisational slack

What is the birth name of Garland Slack?

Garland Slack's birth name is Garland Glenwill Slack.