In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, For those who worship evil`s might, Beware my power! Green Lantern's light
Green Lantern
DJ Green Lantern was born in 1975.
well hal Jordan (the green lantern) is from earth but as he was transformed into a green lantern he was from oa where his enemies and corps are from.
Green Lantern's weapon is the Power Ring.It was given to him by the Guardians . It can create matter and objects out of green energy . It is recharged by putting it into the Green Lantern Power core.
The duration of Green Lantern - film - is 1.9 hours.
It depends on which Green Lantern you are talking about.
green lantern is stronger than ironman because green lantern can make deadly weapons that can destroy his adimantium or green lantern can throw him to space
Green Lantern
DJ Green Lantern was born in 1975.
The Green Lantern Chronicles was created in 2009.
Green Lantern Corps was created in 1959.
Green Lantern was released on 06/17/2011.
The Production Budget for Green Lantern was $200,000,000.
well hal Jordan (the green lantern) is from earth but as he was transformed into a green lantern he was from oa where his enemies and corps are from.
Green Lantern's weapon is the Power Ring.It was given to him by the Guardians . It can create matter and objects out of green energy . It is recharged by putting it into the Green Lantern Power core.
Green lantern
The duration of Green Lantern - film - is 1.9 hours.