Jared Followill's birth name is Michael Jared Followill.
Matthew Followill's birth name is Cameron Matthew Followill.
Nathan Followill was born on June 26, 1979, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Nathan Barnatt's birth name is Nathan James Barnatt.
Nathan Bracken's birth name is Nathan Wade Bracken.
Caleb Followill's birth name is Anthony Caleb Followill.
Jared Followill's birth name is Michael Jared Followill.
Matthew Followill's birth name is Cameron Matthew Followill.
Nathan Followill was born in Oklahoma.
Nathan Followill's birthday is June 26, 1979.
Nathan Followill. But plus: Caleb Followill (lead singer/guitar), Matthew Followill (lead guitar), Jared Followill (bass)
Nathan Followill is the drummer for the American rock band Kings of Leon.
kings of leon don't use there actuall names, they use there middle name. Anthony "Caleb" followill: lead singer. Ivan "Nathan" followill: drums, backing vocals Micheal "jared" followill:bass, backing vocals and there cousin Cameron "Matthew" followill They come from Nashville, Tennessee, U.S
Each member goes by their middle name: Anthony Caleb Followill, Michael Jared Followill, Cameron Matthew Followill, and Ivan Nathan Followill
Nathan Followill is 38 years old (born June 26, 1979).
Nathan Followill began to play the drums when he was a kid in church.
Nathan Followill was born on June 26, 1979, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.