Joy Lang's birth name is Joy Elizabeth Lang.
Derrik Lang's birth name is Derrik Joe Lang.
Ernie Bieler's birth name is Ernestine Geisbiegler.
Ernie Frankel's birth name is Ernest Frankel.
Lang Jeffries's birth name is Bill Lappin.
Ernie Haase's birth name is Raymond Ernest Haase.
Ernie Dingo's birth name is Ernest Ashley Dingo.
Ernie Vandeweghe's birth name is Ernest Maurice Vandeweghe Jr..
Tennessee Ernie Ford's birth name is Ford, Ernest Jennings.
Van Cleave's birth name is Van Cleave, Nathan Lang.
His family name is Lang. His first name and family name are the same in English (Lang), but a little bit different in Chinese (郎朗)
Ernie Els.
Lang is actually a last name from China, Lang means "蓝" in Chinese. The last name Lang comes from Scotland, it means long or tall. They also have that last name in Germany.
Ernie Pyle's wife's name was Geraldine Siebolds
Clubber Lang
Ernie from George Lopez. His real name is Valente Rodriguez
He Has No, Sibilings