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well, as far as I know, Capcom never made a Megaman zero anime but somehow I feel like as though they will make one in the future. But there are the fan-made MZ animes. Right now there are only 2 which I think are really good:

Megaman Zero - prologue

Megaman Zero anime ep.1

don't excpect too much cuz' they are only fan-made but very good. P.S type them in on YouTube. But if you like Megaman Zero that much that you want it to have an anime then you might like the anime "Casshern Sins" It's story line and scheme are extremly similar. The main caracter is also a sexy boy which is actually also a robot. The boy looses his memory just like Zero and is also a little "colhearted" from the outside. That anime has lots of sci-fi and battles and you can watch it in english dub. I would really recommend it to MZ fans like myself.

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Is there a Megaman zero cartoon series?

there is one in Japan

Does zero of the Megaman zero series become the zero in Megaman X?

its actually the reverse. In the Megaman X series zero can either be sealed away into a capsule or the series continues as normal. The capsule ending signals the beginning of the megaman Zero series.

Does zero face x in the Megaman x series?

zero faced x in megaman x2 if u didn't collect the zero parts and in megaman x5

What is Megaman Zero in Japan?

Mega Man Zero, also knows as Rocketman Zero, in Japan is a manga series based on a game by Capcom, called Mega Man. The previous series is called Mega Man X.

How many megaman series are there?

When it comes to games, there is the original Megaman series, the Megaman X series, Megaman Zero series, Megaman ZX series, Megaman Legends, Megaman Battlenetwork, and Megaman Starforce. He has also appeared in various Capcom fighter games. When it comes to TV series, there is Megaman.EXE, Axess, Stream, Beast, and Beast+ as well as a full-length feature film from the Stream storyline.

Is there a Megaman zero game for psp?

no, the Zero series only for GBA until CAPCOM released the collection for Nintendo DS

Who created zero in megaman x?

Well in MMX4 There is a cutscene where an old man tells zero to destroy megaman in a dream, a man who looks exactly like dr wily(from the original series) in the shadows. Also, in an arcade game for The original megaman series there is a scene at the end where wily tells megaman and bass that he is working on a much more powerful robot than either of them, then it shows a shodow of a robot looking like zero. So i say its DR. WIiley.

Who is better Megaman or zero?

well megaman is tough and has his abilities. but zero is stronger and has more ZERO is way better..

Megaman x7 zero's black armorZ?

is the black zero in megaman x 7 please tell me

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How To Unlock Omega Zero In Megaman Zero Collection?

first go to megaman zero 3 and defeat omega and save in level select

Where can you download Megaman zero 5?

there is no Zero 5.