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Q: What is sagittaria?
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Related questions

When was Sagittaria montevidensis created?

Sagittaria montevidensis was created in 1827.

When was Sagittaria lancifolia created?

Sagittaria lancifolia was created in 1759.

What is Concordia Sagittaria's population?

The population of Concordia Sagittaria is 10,708.

What is the area of Concordia Sagittaria?

The area of Concordia Sagittaria is 66.5 square kilometers.

Will Dwarf Sagittaria grow fast enough for an aquatic turtle aquarium?

Dwarf Sagittaria is not a neccessity for aquatic turtles so its growth rate is unimportant. That means the answer is yes it grows quite fast enough.

What is an aquatic plant of the genus Sagittaria also known as duck potato?


What is the Latin name for Katniss Everdeen?

My best guess would be Sagittaria Semperdecanus. Sagittaria is the species name for the plant katniss. Semper means ever. As for decanus, the word dean is the adaption of the Latin word decanus, meaning "chief of ten".

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the plant Arrowhead?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Sagittaria spp.

What has the author Giovanni Pellis written?

Giovanni Pellis has written: 'Giovanni Pellis. Retrospettiva alla Galleria d'arte Sagittaria'

What is a Katniss Plant in The Hunger Games?

Katniss is another Indian name of a plant, the root of which they were likewise accustomed to eat,... It grows in low, muddy, and very wet ground. The root is oblong, commonly an inch and a half long, and one inch and a quarter broad in the middle; but some of the roots have been as big as a man's fists. The Indians either boiled this root or roasted it in hot ashes. ... Their katniss is an arrow-head or Sagittaria, and is only a variety of the Swedish arrow-head or Sagittaria sagittifolia, for the plant above the ground is entirely the same, but the root under ground is much greater in the American than in the European. Mr. Osbeck, in his voyage to China, mentions that the Chinese plant a Sagittaria, and eat its roots. This seems undoubtedly to be a variety of this katniss

What plants do dragonflies eat?

Dragonflies like ponds or bogs. Plants like dwarf sagittaria, water lily, and water horsetail help the nymphs hide. Arrowhead and cattails provide a place for the adults to hunt. Plant lobelia, buttonbush, iris, and seedbox around the edge of the pond.

Difference between an arrowhead and hibiscus?

An arrowhead is a type of plant in the genus Sagittaria, known for its arrow-shaped leaves. Hibiscus, on the other hand, is a flowering plant with large colorful blooms. While arrowhead plants are typically grown for their foliage, hibiscus plants are prized for their flowers.