Thirty Five out of Fifty States have state gems.
New Jersey doesn't have an official one.
Patuxent River Stone, a particular type of agate found only in Maryland, was designated the state's official gem stone in October 2004. Agate itself is a cryptocrystalline form of quartz typically found in many different colors, although this variety grows in shades of reds and yellows reminiscent of Maryland's state flag.
My grandmother owns a gem company.
GEM is a singer from Hong Kong, China .She is 18.
New Jerseys state bird is the Eastern Goldfinch. ----
New York's state gem is the: Garnet.
what is new jerseys state governor
The New Jersey state motto "Liberty and prosperity" became the state motto in 1928.
It's called the "Garden State."the nickname for New Jersey is "The Garden State"
the garden state.
Beryl is the State Mineral and Smoky Quartz is the official state gem.
New Jersey's state motto/slogan is: Liberty and Prosperity.
help me
It is the 47 largest state!!
If you mean state rock, Colorado's state rock is yule marble
it is a gem that is a state symbol in New York.