latae, i think, is a type of coffee. lol! JK! latae is the plural of LATI. the Latae are latias and latios. Latias is red and Latios is blue. to get them on sapphire or ruby, you need to Beat the elite four, then watch the TV at your house it will say that a Red/Blue Pokemon that has never been seen before has been sighted. if you have Ruby, you will get the blue one called Latias, and vice-versa. It will be in a random patch of grass or wherever you can catch wild Pokemon, but you should find it right off the bat and it will run away. try to save the master ball, as you cannot catch one of the Regis without it. to catch it, just use an attack that prevents it from escaping: Scary Face works just fine. or it could be Mean Look, I always get them mixed if you do'NT get it the first time, you can track it on the pokedex. it will teleport somewhere else if you use fly, so just go to a city that he visits often, Slateport usually works, and fly to that city continually until it is very close to you. you will not know exactly where it is, but it will not leave that rout until you do, so just keep looking. If you have emerald, you will get to choose whitch one you want when the TV gets statickey and your mom doesn't hear what it said. if anyone has a question, just ask.
The synergist of tensor fascia latae is the gluteus maximus.
A muscle of the thigh. The basic functional movement of tensor fascia latae is walking.
in the leg
When the tensor fasciae latae contracts, it helps to stabilize the hip joint and assists in flexing, medially rotating, and abducting the thigh.
from latin lata meaning "broad"
tensor fasciae latae
ten-soar fasheea lot-eh
tensor fasciae latae
Tensor fascias latae
Iliopsoas, Pectineus, Tensor fasciae latae, Adductor brevis, Sartorius
The "glutes" including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae
Gluteus medius is prime mover.Other abductors are:Gluteus MinimusTensor Fascia Latae (TFL)Sartorius