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fire jjust becareful with the water att.

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Q: What is ice type strong against?
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Related questions

What Pokemon type is strong against dragon type?

Ice and Dragon type itself is strong against Dragon.

What type is strong against grass Pokemon?

Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice type moves are strong against a Grass type Pokemon.

What are the type advantages of Ice in Pokémon?

Ice is strong against Grass, Ground, Flying, and Dragon. Ice is weak against Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel. There are no types that Ice has no effect on. Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel are strong against Ice. Ice is weak against Ice. There are no types that have zero effect on Ice.

What Pokemon type is strong against ice type?

Fire Steel Rock Fighting

What type of Pokemon are strong against Zekrom?

Dragon, ground, or ice

What type of Pokemon are strong against drangon Pokemon?

ice and dragon

What is effective against snow type Pokemon?

The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice

What are steel type Pokemon strong against?

The type that is Strong against Steel Is water at least that is one that I know.

What type of Pokemon is strong against water dragon Pokemon?

Ice types are supereffective and so are dragon types. Yes, dragon types ARE EFFECTIVE against dragon types. In some dual-type dragon pokemon, like Garchomp for example, Ice is 4x effective to it and Dragon types, 2x

What are ice type Pokemon strong against?

Ice-type Pokemon are resistant to only Ice-type attacks. In offense, Ice-type Pokemon can do 2x the damage to Grass, Ground, Flying, and Dragon-type Pokemon.

What is an ice Pokemon's strength?

Ice-type Pokemon are strong against Ice-type moves. On the offensive side, it can greatly harm a Grass, Ground, Flying, and Dragon-type. (2x the damage)

Is a Blastoise level 73 and a Dragonite level 71 enough to beat the elite four in Pokemon fire red?

It could be but it's very unlikely. This is what I recommend you do: You should have a fire type because it is strong against the ice type (moltres is good as it also can learn flying type which is good against the fighting type) You should have a psychic type because it's strong against ghost types (Alakazam is good) Electric type is good against the water/ice type (zapdos is good) This way you have strong pokemon against the ice/water type, the rock/fighting type, the ghost/poison type, and the dragon type. (fire and electric for the ice/water) (lying and water type for the rock/fighting type) (psychic against the ghost/poison type) (dragon type moves against the dragon pokemon)