Fabolous's birth name is John Jackson.
His favorite color is orange.
Her favorite color was cyan.
$20,0000000 Twenty-Million U.S Dollars
His favorite color is lime green.
He did not have a favorite color.
Fabolous's birthday is November 18, 1977
Fabolous was born on November 18, 1977.
Fabolous was born on November 18, 1977.
Fabolous's birth name is John Jackson.
Fabolous definitely believes in God and I believe that he is a Christian.
red is her favorite color red is her favorite color
Baby - Fabolous song - was created in 2004.
Fabolous' first album is called Ghetto Fabolous. Ghetto Fabolous was released on September 11, 2001. The first single from the album, Can't Deny It, charted on the Billboard Top 100
Her favorite color is Black.green.
His favorite color is orange.
Her favorite color is Purple