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Q: What is cameron last name from small change?
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What is Cameron Brights real last name and why did he change it?

His real last name is Crigger and it is unknown why he changed it

What does Cameron Boyce's friend Andrea's last name?

Go Go

What is Cameron Diaz brothers last name?

Her older sister and only sister is called Chimene Diaz

What was the director's name of the movie avatar?

James Cameron wrote and directed both movies.

What is Cameron Diaz's real name?

Cameron Diaz but it is Cameron Michelle Diaz

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What is Cameron Brights real last name and why did he change it?

His real last name is Crigger and it is unknown why he changed it

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Cameron Quiseng's last name is pronounced: "Kee-sing".

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His name is Cameron Recker XDD

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Cameron Quiseng

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James... no last name

How do you spell Cameron in scottish Gaelic?

As a last name Camshron.

What is Cameron's real name?

Cameron Ugh will not really share his last name because of all the fakes. He posted a video on YouTube stating this.

How many famous Cameron's are there?

Being a Cameron myself I will answer. Quite a few actualy I can name a few like Cam`Ron (a rapper), Cameron Diaz, Cameron Richardson, James Cameron (If you count last names) and Cameron Mitchell. (Just to name a few) Hope this helps you. ^_^