It depends what kind of person you are. Me though......SONIC. Sonic is better to ME, because he is the fastest thing alive. Although I think Amy is better. Don't ask me why.
Probably Sonic. I'm pretty sure the Sonic fanbase is bigger than the MLP fanbase. But they're both popular characters.
Yes, although if you are over 8 you may think it is boring.
If your talking about the original Sonic the Hedgehog, then Sonic and the Secret Rings is way better.
The name of the school paper in MLP is the Foal Free Press.
The sonic rainboom appears in three episodes so far. The first is the aptly named Sonic Rainboom (season 1, episode 16), the second time is in The Cutie Mark Chronicles (season 1, episode 23) and the final time is in A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 (season 2, episode 26).
Nope,Hyper Sonic is better then Super Sonic and Sonic
Probably Sonic. I'm pretty sure the Sonic fanbase is bigger than the MLP fanbase. But they're both popular characters.
I agree, Sonic is better.
Yes, although if you are over 8 you may think it is boring.
classic sonic games such as sonic 1 and 2 are better than the cheesy modern sonic games
I think sonic is better because sonic is the main character and if flash were better he would be the main character
Because Sonic the Hedgehog is suckish. yea he is If your brother thinks Sonic is better, than it's his opinion if Sonic is better he's nerd cause only nerds play sonic. Whoever you think is better, it's your opinion they are better. Get it?
If your talking about the original Sonic the Hedgehog, then Sonic and the Secret Rings is way better.
Sonic screwdriver Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic is best!!
rodeo sonic