Avi is married to Linda Cruise Wright. Avi is an author and his real name is Edward Irving Wortis.
Avi Sagild's birth name is Sagild, Avi Steen.
Avi, the author, has Dyslexia.His real name is Edward Irving Wortis.He has a twin sister, Emily Wortis Leider.He got the name Avi from his twin when he was one.Avi has written 71 books and is coming out with more.
Avi Lerner's birth name is Abraham Lerner.
Avi Liani's birth name is Nikoloz Avaliani.
Avi doesn't use his realy name because he doesn't like it. He uses Avi because it hides his real name.
Avi's real name is Edward Ivring Wortis.
His real name is Edward Irving Wortis
Edward Irving Wortis
author avies real name is Marley Jacob mathews
full froom avi
He has Dyslexia. His nickname "avi" came from his sister. his real name is Edward Irving Wortis.
Avi. His real name is Edward Irving Wortis. Avi is just his pen name.
It's by Avi, but his real name is Edward Irving Wortis. Avi is his pen name.
Audio Video Interleaved
James Preston Avianne Marcis
Avi is married to Linda Cruise Wright. Avi is an author and his real name is Edward Irving Wortis.