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Auditing is the process of checking formulas and the spreadsheet in general to find errors and correct errors. It enables you to do things like find out if a cell is being used by another formula or find out what cells a formula uses. This enables you to ensure that cells that should be included in a formula, like when you are totalling a range of cells, are included. It can also help identify cells that are in a spreadsheet with values that are not being used. This could enable you to correct formulas that should include a cell, or get rid of cells with values that are not needed. It also may help to define more efficient formulas and simplify a spreadsheet.

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Q: What is auditing in excel?
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Can you troubleshoot in excel?

Depends on what you mean by troubleshoot. Excel does have several auditing functions and error messages.

Where is the formula error button in Excel 2007?

There is no formula error button in Excel. However, there is an Error Checking button on the Formulas ribbon in the Formula Auditing section in Excel 2007.

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It is in Formula Auditing on the Formulas tab.

What are the differences between trace precedents in Excel 2003 and Excel 2007?

It works basicly the same way in both versions, but the commands are in different locations. The command is on the Formulas ribbon in Excel 2007 and the Tools - Formula Auditing menu in Excel 97-2003. See related links for an animated tutor of how to use trace precedents.

Which command in Excel displays arrows that indicate what cells are affected by the value of the selected cell?

They are known as dependent cells and you can get the arrows by using the Formula Auditing tools.

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The formulas tab brings together many of the common things used in working with formulas, like functions, names and auditing formulas.

How do you specify that the cells containing formulas well display the formula but not the result of the formula?

Under the formulas tab, there is an option called "Show Formulas" in Formula Auditing. This applies for Excel 2010 (what I am using) and should apply for Excel 2003 and 2007 as well. For older options (or if there is no such option in Excel 2003/2007, search for something similar).

How can you access the Show Formulas button in Excel?

It is on the Formulas tab, in the Auditing section. To hide or show formulas you can also just press Ctrl and the `key, which is the key beside the 1 key on your keyboard.

How to know in excel 2007 if the content in a cell has been used for formula some where else?

You go to Formula Auditing and use Trace Dependents. You can also select the cell and press the Ctrl and ] keys.

What has the author J Donald Warren written?

J. Donald Warren has written: 'Handbook of Accounting and Auditing' 'Continuous auditing' -- subject(s): Auditing, Internal, Internal Auditing

What has the author Vivian R V Cooper written?

Vivian R. V. Cooper has written: 'Manual of auditing' -- subject(s): Auditing 'Student's manual of auditing' -- subject(s): Auditing

How auditing begins where accounting ends?

Auditing begins where Accountancy ends.