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It's the name of the Alien creature from the Alien series of movies.

There are a few stages in the Xenomorph's lifecycle. Facehugger, Chestburster then adult.


The facehugger is a crab-like creature with 8 legs, Similar to human fingers. It also has a long tail. When it pounces out of it's egg, onto either a human's face or a dog's/cat's face it wraps it's tail around their necks, so they faint. The facehugger implants an egg into their chest and then dies on their face.


When the human or dog/cat wakes up, they seem unharmed, but they have a Xenomorph growing inside of them. Some time later the host should have a sore throat. Soon after they will experience severe pain in their chest. They start choking and the chestburster will erupt from the host's chest.


The chestburster will eat the body (if there is nobody around) and scamper off to find more food and eventually grow into a fully-sized Alien. If the facehugger implants an egg in a human, the adult alien will be a 'drone'. Drones are the original aliens. If an egg was implanted into a dog/cat it will be a runner or dog alien. They're very fast and can't stand on 2 legs. Dog aliens are slightly lighter then Drones, either slightly pink or gold.


Sometimes an alien will 'molt' into the queen alien. All aliens are meant to protect the queen which stays in a deep chamber in the hive. The queen has a 'ovipositor' which is a long, silky 'sack' full of eggs. In this case, alien eggs. The Queen has 2 pairs of arms, one small, the other large. The Queen is more intelligent then the other stages of the life-cycle, in the movies 'Aliens' (the sequel to Alien), the Queen operated the elevator.

I hope that helped everyone.

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