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Q: What is an isa-ifi ceremony. from a modern perspective does it objectify women?
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What was in the first modern Olympic ceremony?

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What techniques did Paul Cézanne use that would inspire later modern art movements?

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Applied behavior analysis focuses on the principles that explain how learning takes place in the modern perspective. Applied behavioral analysis is widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment for autism.

Did puritans have bad qualities?

From the modern perspective, Puritans were narrow mindedly obsessed with their religion.

What technique did Paul Cezanne use that inspired later modern movements?

Multiple Perspective

What is Gandhian Perspective of Modern State?

Gandhian perspective of a modern state emphasizes decentralization, moral governance, and nonviolent resistance. Gandhi believed in participatory democracy, where power is shared among the people at the grassroots level. He advocated for a state that prioritizes the welfare of its citizens and operates with truth and nonviolence at its core.

Why is french spoken at the opening ceremony of the Olympics?

french is spoken at the modern olympics because the person that started them was french.

When did athletes march into the stadium during the opening ceremony for the first time?

1896 when the first modern Olympics were held.

What techniques did Paul Cezanne use that would later inspire modern art movements?

multiple perspective

Why do they speak french during the Olympic games opening ceremony?

Because a Frenchmen was the person who came up with the modern olympics