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A 'tribute' is when you send one monster from your side of the field to the graveyard, as a cost for a summon, or a card effect.

For example, to Normal Summon a level 5 or 6 monster, you must tribute summon it by sending on of your monsters to the graveyard. Level 7+ monsters need two tributes, unless specified otherwise.

Note that unless specifically said otherwise, a tribute can only be something you control, ie, on your side of the field. That normally means your own monsters, but if you took control of an opponent's monster, that can be tributed too. Some effects that let you tribute the opponent's monsters while on their side of the field, are Soul Exchange, and Lava Golem.

Lastly, Ritual Summons require tribute too, but this time it's down to the levels of the tributed monsters. Monsters can be tributed from hand for this, they cannot come from hand for other kinds of tribute.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

No monster needed for levels 1-4

1 monster needed for 5-6

2 monsters needed for 7+

Some monsters have additional requirements, listed on their cards.

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Q: What is a tribute in yu-gi-oh?
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