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it is type of transformer which is used to step up the voltage from low to high value in order to make it applicable for high rated appliances. asha not only for high rated appliances but also for transmission...ashu

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Q: What is a set-up transformer?
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Why induction transformer called rotating transformer?

Transformer has windings

How can you find a real transformer?

Go to photograph if you see a transformer

How do you make a transformer on incredibots 2?

how do you make a transformer on incredibots2

What is a dj setup called?

A basic DJ setup is referred to as just that, a setup. A basic DJ setup generally includes one or more turntables, a sequencer, an amplifier, headphones, and a microphone.

Who starred in 2007 transformer movie?

Shia Labouf (like in all the transformer films)

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What is a half transformer and a half transformer?

a hole transformer

Why induction transformer called rotating transformer?

Transformer has windings

Can you use ordinary transformer in place of auto transformer?

yes we can place auto transformer in place of original transformer

What is the function of fans in transformer?

The function of fans in a transformer is to regulate the transformer's temperature.

What is a transformer that increases voltage?

A transformer that increases voltage is a step-up transformer.

What is center tap transformer?

Center tap transformer is the such kind of transformer that is made to a point half way along a winding of a transformer.

What is the difference between isolation transformer and ferromagnetic transformer?

An isolation transformer is usually a ferromagnetic transformer. The question needs to be framed more usefully.

Why auto transformer is lighter than conventional type?

because the copper is saved in the auto transformer that is the ratio of weights of copper in auto transformer to normal transformer is (1-(1/a)) where a is transformer ratio

Difference between potential transformer and current trasnformer?

The difference between current transformer and potential transformer is that the secondary of a current transformer can not be open circuited while under service whereas that of the potential transformer an be open circuited without any damage to the transformer.

A transformer can only?

A transformer does many things.

What is the difference between a balanced transformer and an unbalanced transformer?

there is nothing like a balanced and unbalanced transformer.

What is the use of ideal transformer?

Ideal transformer is useful in understanding the practical transformer..i does't have losses...