Megan Jendrick's birth name is Megan Quann.
Megan Lavner's birth name is Megan Lynnette Thompson.
Megan Ruskey's birth name is Megan Rae Ruskey.
Megan Albertus's birth name is Megan Jean Albertus.
It's short for Gabriel
Carson or payton,Courtney,Megan,Jake,nick,Justin,Sabrina
No he likes the name Megan, And the name Kinga.
Nicks favorite name is Megan. He hates the name Rebecca. He also likes Daniel.
nick Jonas' fave names are: honey, jasmine, jade and Megan he does not like: jay, rose or melanie
yes megan trainer does have a boyfriend his name is cory anderson that is nick jones assistent.
Yes, Nick is really a good name. It is the short form of Nicholas.
I would nick name her Kary- its cute!
Nick Offerman married the actress Megan Mullally in 2003.
what would be a good good good good nick name for the universe and why what would be a good good good good nick name for the universe and why
Yeah, I'd say so. My name's Katherine but people call me Katie, as my nick name. And I like my name. So, yeah in my opinion I think that Katie is a good nick name.