Flareon, but it's considered a Flame Pokemon. Other than that, there isn't one.
The Pokemon Houndour is Fire
There is no way to ONLY encounter fire pokemon, there are places where there is a high rate to catch fire pokemon. But there is no place where you can only catch fire pokemon.
You cannot get to Fire Island on Pokemon LeafGreen. Fire Island is a setting exclusive to the second Pokemon movie, Pokemon the Movie 2000.
There isn't a legendary Pokemon That is fire and Bug but there is Reshiram and Victini
Blaze the cat is immune to fire because she has the power of controlling fire and was cursed when she was a kid and she's invincible against fire and it can't hurt her.
Litten is one of the newest Pokémon that has been introduced as part of the new 7th Generation games; Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, Litten is one of the three Starter Pokemon that you can pick from while in the Alola region, Litten is a cat-like Pokemon that has been classified as the Fire Cat Pokemon, it has the Fire-typing, its height is one foot and four inches, it weighs 9.5 pounds, it has the typical Fire-type Starter Pokemon which is the Blaze ability and it will also know the Ember attack once you select it as your Starter.
You teach a water Pokemon mimic and when a fire Pokemon shoots a fire attack your Pokemon will shoot it to!!
The Pokemon Houndour is Fire
pansear the fire monkey pokemon
Cat People - Putting Out Fire - was created in 1981.
Fire Emblem is not in Pokemon Emerald.
There is no way to ONLY encounter fire pokemon, there are places where there is a high rate to catch fire pokemon. But there is no place where you can only catch fire pokemon.
You cannot get to Fire Island on Pokemon LeafGreen. Fire Island is a setting exclusive to the second Pokemon movie, Pokemon the Movie 2000.
Fire type Pokemon or fire type moves beat electric Pokemon.
there is no such Pokemon
have a strong fire Pokemon or fire move
the best fire Pokemon in pearl version is chimchar ,monferno , and infernapeHeatron is also a good fire Pokemon