It is were you put your knocked out pokemon, discarded energy, and used trainers/stadiums/supporters/poke tools. You can't take anything from it unless a pokepower, trainer or supporter says otherwise.
shadow triad for plasma cards
Pokemon cards get sent to the Lost Zone when instructed to do so by an attack or effect. For example, Gengar Prime's PokeBody is that while it is active, any of the opponent's pokemon which are knocked out, will go to the Lost Zone instead of the discard pile.
Its another discard pile that you keep all your card face up and is kept off the play mat. these card cant be retrived at any time of the game.
Just take a card from your hand and place it in the Graveyard pile. You can only do it when directed to by an effect, or you have more than six cards in hand at the end of your end phase. You can never discard a card for no reason.
well, if you are making a deck you should have:60 cards at the most 3 or 2 of the Pokemon can be the same if you want to have a good pile just do 20 of each like 20 Pokemon 20 trainer cards 20 energy cards...
shadow triad for plasma cards
No, just the cards that are the "rummy" have to get picked up, the play is then continued in the same way,. of drawing from the pile or the discard pile.
It's called a "Discard all" card. - When played, you must discard all cards of the color of the discard all card (E.g: If the top card on the discard pile is a blue 4, the player may play a blue discard all card and discard all their blue cards.)
Pokemon cards get sent to the Lost Zone when instructed to do so by an attack or effect. For example, Gengar Prime's PokeBody is that while it is active, any of the opponent's pokemon which are knocked out, will go to the Lost Zone instead of the discard pile.
Its another discard pile that you keep all your card face up and is kept off the play mat. these card cant be retrived at any time of the game.
Its ability is called guard. You discard all cards attached to Unknown G and attach it to your active pokemon. Then you prevent all effects of an attack that is not damage to that pokemon.
Just take a card from your hand and place it in the Graveyard pile. You can only do it when directed to by an effect, or you have more than six cards in hand at the end of your end phase. You can never discard a card for no reason.
The goal of deer in the headlights is to be the first to discard all cards. Cards are discarded based on the included chart. Some cards are placed in the center pile, while others are passed to a player.
The object of the game is to get rid of the player's personal draw pile. 2 to 4 players. Use 2 full decks, no jokers. Each player is dealt a 5 card hand and a 10 to 20 card personal draw pile (2 players = 20 cards, 3 players = 15 cards, 4 players = 10 cards). The remaining cards are placed in the middle of the table, they are the general draw pile. Each player also has 4 spaces into which they discard one card at the end of each hand. The rules governing these personal discard piles are: a player may not move a card from one pile to another, once you place a card onto a pile the only way it can be moved is to play it onto one of the general discard piles; only the top card in any pile may be played. The rules for the personal draw pile: only the top card may be turned over and it can only be played into the general discard piles. When the top card is played, the next card may be turned over and played. Kings are wild. There are 4 general discard piles in the center of the table. Any player may play into the general discard piles from either their personal hands, their personal discard piles, or their personal draw piles during their turn. The discard piles must go in order from Ace to Queen (A,2,3,...J,Q), but they are not suit sensitive. When a pile has reached Queen it is removed and the space starts over at Ace. There can only ever be 4 piles. The piles are started by a player with an Ace so it may take a few turns before the general discard piles get started at the beginning of the game. Play moves in a clockwise motion. The person to the left of the dealer plays first. At the beginning of each turn the player must draw enough cards from the general draw pile so that they have 5 in their hand. The player may play as many cards as s/he can from his/her hand, personal draw pile, and/or personal discard piles into the general discard piles. If s/he is able to play all 5 of the cards in his/her hand s/he may draw 5 more. When the player has no more moves s/he can or wants to play, s/he discards one card into his/her personal discard piles and play moves to the next person. The winner is the first to get rid of their personal draw pile.
Just take a card from your hand and place it in the Graveyard pile. You can only do it when directed to by an effect, or you have more than six cards in hand at the end of your end phase. You can never discard a card for no reason.
well, if you are making a deck you should have:60 cards at the most 3 or 2 of the Pokemon can be the same if you want to have a good pile just do 20 of each like 20 Pokemon 20 trainer cards 20 energy cards...
Ye,s If it matches that card on the discard pile. Otherwise, you pass your turn.