The company Celebrity X Cruise Lines Club's number for inside the United States and Canada is: 1-800-760-0654 and their FAX number is: 1-305-603-0046. does not provide personal contact information for people, regardless of their position or celebrity.
It is not the policy of WikiAnswers to give out the private phone numbers or e-mails of celebrities. If the celebrity has already provided fans with contact information, we are happy to publish it here. Otherwise, we respect the celebrity's privacy.
Celebrity phone numbers can not be given out.
Ike Jones phone number is 281-330-8004
as if you are going to find out a celebrity phone number......
I can not give a celebrity's contact info. :I
It is WikiAnswers policy not to give out private celebrity contact information
Lil Jon does not give his personal phone number to the public. People who are interested in contacting a celebrity should look for alternative ways to contact the person.
The phone number of the Celebrity Gardens Foundation is: 865-397-8732.
A public fan phone number for Mark Callaway, aka the Undertaker, is not known at this time. WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for anyone, celebrity or not.
One may find information on Rhone River cruises by going to Rhone River's homepage. They may also contact the company directly at the phone number listed on their website. The number is 1-800-510-4002.
One can learn about Direct Line Cruises from the official Direct Line Cruises online website. Alternatively, one can contact the company through email or phone.
As a celebrity, Matty Braps personal phone number is not available to the general public. If one is wishing to contact him, one can do so through his website or by contacting his agent.
As a celebrity, Matty Braps personal phone number is not available to the general public. If one is wishing to contact him, one can do so through his website or by contacting his agent. does not provide personal contact information for people, regardless of their position or celebrity.
You can contact Royal Caribbean Holiday Cruises on the official Royal Caribbean International website at If you scroll down to the bottom there is a link to a contact page where you can reach them by phone, email, or at a postal address.
It is not the policy of WikiAnswers to give out the private phone numbers or e-mails of celebrities. If the celebrity has already provided fans with contact information, we are happy to publish it here. Otherwise, we respect the celebrity's privacy.