He is Bob Geldof. It is not a stage name. His birth name is Robert, for which Bob is a shortened variation, and his full name is Robert Frederick Zenon Geldof, so he is Bob Geldof.
Houdini's name is actually after another Great magician, Jean Eugène Robert-HoudinHarry Houdini was born Erick Weisz and created the stage name.
Robert Lussac's birth name is Robert Timmermans.
Robert Dorsay's birth name is Stampa, Robert.
Robert Marriott's birth name is Mariotti, Robert A..
Robert pattison stage name is bobby dupea
Bob Dylan
R Kelly is the stage name for Robert Sylvester Kelly.
Bobby Dupea is his stage name as a musician! xxx
He is Bob Geldof. It is not a stage name. His birth name is Robert, for which Bob is a shortened variation, and his full name is Robert Frederick Zenon Geldof, so he is Bob Geldof.
He is Bob Geldof. It is not a stage name. His birth name is Robert, for which Bob is a shortened variation, and his full name is Robert Frederick Zenon Geldof, so he is Bob Geldof.
Frances Gumm
Robert Pattinson is not officially in a band, although he has performed with his friendâ??s band, the Bad Girls. Robertâ??s stage name is Bobby Dupea.
Well, honey, I'll give it to you straight. Robert Duvall's birth name is Robert Selden Duvall. Yes, that's right, no fancy stage name here, just plain ol' Robert. Now go impress your friends with that little nugget of information.
Born Erik Weisz, he established his stage name "Harry" as an homage to the American magician Harry Kellar, and "Houdini" after the French magician Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin.
Houdini's name is actually after another Great magician, Jean Eugène Robert-HoudinHarry Houdini was born Erick Weisz and created the stage name.
Oh, dude, Robert Boyle's full name is... wait for it... Robert Boyle! Like, no need for a fancy stage name or anything, he just went with the classic first and last name combo. Keepin' it simple, I guess.