Oscar Sala was born on March 26, 1922.
Oscar de la Hoya was born on February 4, 1973.
Oscar Sainz's birth name is Oscar Luis.
Oscar Robertson's birth name is Oscar Palmer Robertson.
Oscar Pistorius's birth name is Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius.
Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde was created in 2004.
Oscar de la Rosa's birthday is March 29th.
The duration of Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde is 1.83 hours.
Oscar's Birthday Present - 1971 was released on: USA: January 1971
July 2,1865
Oscar Brand was born on February 7, 1920.
Oscar Ruggeri was born on January 26, 1962.
Oscar Schmidt was born on February 16, 1958.
Oscar Straus was born on March 6, 1870.
Oscar Chisini was born on March 4, 1889.
Oscar Brodney was born on February 18, 1907.
Oscar Zariski was born on April 24, 1899.