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Q: What is Miguel's dream job?
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What is Cody Simpsons Dream job?

He has his dream job! singing!

What is the duration of Dream Job?

The duration of Dream Job is 3600.0 seconds.

What is Miguels last name?

Miguel's last name is Rivera.

When did Dream Job end?

Dream Job ended on 2006-01-01.

When was Dream Job created?

Dream Job was created on 2004-02-01.

What is a dream career?

a job that you would love to do (a dream job) so the best job that you could think of.

What is Taylor Lautners dream job?

A Director or script producer.

What was Elvis Presley's dream job?

Elvis Presley's dream job was to become an actor.

What is Peter Griffin's Dream Job?

His dream job was to be a Renaissance Fair Knight which he fulfilled.

What was Miguels reward for protecting Esperanza from the robbers?

Miguel's reward for protecting Esperanza from the robbers was a job as a gardener at her estate. He was also given a place to stay and a steady income.

How do you reply 'what is your dream job'?

Well, what is your dream job? Figure that out and then answer the question accordingly. When answering it, you can simply state what your dream job is, what education you'll need first, why you want this job, and anything else relating to it.