Joanna "J. K." Rowling is 51 years old (birthdate: July 31, 1965).
J. R rotem
J. R. R. Tolkien's influences was created in 1954.
J. R. Monterose died in 1993.
R. J. Ellory was born in 1965.
R. J. Mitchell was born on May 20, 1895.
J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday is on January 3rd.
J. R. Cobb was born on February 5, 1942.
R. J. Mitchell was born on May 20, 1895.
J. R. Reid was born on March 31, 1968.
J. R. Morgan was born on July 11, 1950.
J. R. Jayewardene was born on September 17, 1906.
J. R. D. Tata was born on July 29, 1904.
J. R. Smith was born on September 9, 1985.
Tolkien and Edith had four children: John Francis Reuel (November 17, 1917 - January 22, 2003), Michael Hilary Reuel (October 1920-1984), Christopher John Reuel(1924) and Priscilla Anne Reuel (1929).
J. R rotem
Cuz that his llmark
J R was created in 1975.