Violet Wilkey was born on January 10, 1903.
Daisy Duck's birthday is June 7, 1940.
Daisy Fuentes was born on November 17, 1966.
Violet Vivian Finlay Stuart Mann was born on January 2, 1914.
HiS biRthdAy iS jUly 1, 1976 -♥dAiSy
Daisy and Violet Hilton was born on February 5, 1908.
daisy's birthday is the 5 of April
daisy, violet and lilly
Daisy Tomlinson's birthday is on March 23. :) :) :)
Lily,Violet and Daisy
Violet - The Birthday Massacre album - was created on 2004-10-25.
her birthday is in Halloween it's in October
Violet MacMillan was born on March 4, 1887.
Violet Barclay was born on November 5, 1922.
Violet Wilkey was born on January 10, 1903.
Rose, Daisy, Hyacinth, and Violet