Christy Walton is 65 years old. She was born on February 8, 1949.
Oprah Winfrey is the richest woman alive in the world today.
The phone number of the Walton Pl is: 304-577-6071.
Bernard Walton died in 1972.
Christy Walton and her family seem to avoid the media when it comes to personal business. At this time their addresses are unknown to the public.
1955 December ,13
Christy Walton was born in 1955.
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Christy Walton is 65 years old. She was born on February 8, 1949.
Christy Walton has a net worth of 39.7 billion as of May 2014.
Christy Walton got her money from her deceased husband, Jon Walton, who, evidently died in a plane crash.
Christy Walton is the daughter of Walmart founder, Sam Walton. As of August 2014, her estimated net worth is $37.6 billion dollars.
frederick miller
The richest woman is Christy Walton who has a net worth of $36.7 billion. Few of the richest women next to Christy Walton are Liliane Bettercourt, Alice Walton, Jacqueline Mars and Gina Rineheart.