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Q: What if your bum smells?
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my bum smells of poo

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15 if your bum smells

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Ma derri

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because he smells so yummy bears :)

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Because bum holes are made of triple choco cake!

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the answer is yes coz yuor bum smells

Why does Katy perry listen to pop music?

Because she smells of badgers bum holes

Does Jonty like cheese?

He smells like cheese - rotten cheese - so he must like it. His bum smells like cheese. His hair has fleas!!

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they sed that your dad smells of dog poo an d your mum smells of rabbit poo tony blais dad kissed my bum

Why does Riley smell like cheribs?

no he smells like poo because he forgets to wipe his bum when he goes to the toilet true story

Is Mary ann gay?

yes she is, she bum rapes people and has fanny sex with girls

Why do people smell their finger after scratching their bum?

To see if it smells good, or not. I think that would be disturbing to see, someone scratching there crack and sniffing it.